
This folder contains useful functions that are beyond the port-Hamiltonian framework used in SCRIMP.


  • file: utils/

  • authors: Ghislain Haine

  • date: 23 jun. 2023

  • brief: functions to configure SCRIMP


Set the default path of scrimp


path (str): the path


Set the verbosity level of scrimp (0: quiet, 1: info, 2: debug)

In quiet mode, debug are saved in a log file.


verbose (int): the level of verbosity, defaults to 1


Set the verbosity level of getfem


verbose (int): the level of verbosity

Linear algebra

  • file: utils/

  • authors: Ghislain Haine, Florian Monteghetti

  • date: 29 nov. 2022

  • brief: linear algebra functions


Convert from PETSc.Mat to scipy sparse (csr).


A (PETSc Mat): The matrix to convert


scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix: the matrix A in scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix format

scrimp.utils.linalg.convert_gmm_to_petsc(M, B, comm=petsc4py.PETSc.COMM_WORLD)

Convert a GetFEM matrix M to a PETSc one B


M (SPMat GetFEM): matrix to transfer B (PETSc.Mat): matrix to fill M with comm (MPI_Comm): MPI communicator



scrimp.utils.linalg.extract_gmm_to_scipy(I, J, M)

Extract a sub-matrix A from M, on interval I, J


I (Numpy array): line interval [begin, lenght] J (Numpy array): column interval [begin, lenght] M (SPMat GetFEM): matrix from which to extract the submatrix


PETSc.Mat: matrix with value M(I,J) in CSR format


scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix: the matrix A in scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix format


  • file: utils/

  • authors: Ghislain Haine

  • date: 22 nov. 2022

  • brief: built-in geometries for direct use in SCRIMP

scrimp.utils.mesh.Ball(parameters={'R': 1.0, 'h': 0.1}, refine=0, terminal=1)

The geometry of a Ball of radius R centered in (0,0,0) with mesh size h

  • Domain Omega: 1,

  • Boundary Gamma: 10

  • parameters (dict): The dictionary of parameters for the geometry

  • refine (int): Ask for iterative refinements by splitting elements

  • terminal (int): An option to print meshing infos in the prompt, value 0 (quiet) or 1 (verbose, default)


list[gf.Mesh, int, dict, dict]: The mesh to use with getfem, the dimension, a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n and a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n-1

scrimp.utils.mesh.Concentric(parameters={'R': 1.0, 'h': 0.1, 'r': 0.6}, refine=0, terminal=1)

The geometry of a Disk of radius r surrounded by an annulus of radii r and R with mesh size h

  • Domain Omega_Disk: 1,

  • Domain Omega_Annulus: 2,

  • Interface Interface: 10,

  • Boundary Gamma: 20

  • parameters (dict): The dictionary of parameters for the geometry

  • refine (int): Ask for iterative refinements by splitting elements

  • terminal (int): An option to print meshing infos in the prompt, value 0 (quiet) or 1 (verbose, default)


list[gf.Mesh, int, dict, dict]: The mesh to use with getfem, the dimension, a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n and a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n-1

scrimp.utils.mesh.Disk(parameters={'R': 1.0, 'h': 0.1}, refine=0, terminal=1)

The geometry of a Disk center in (0,0) with radius R and mesh size h

  • Domain Omega: 1,

  • Boundary Gamma: 10

  • parameters (dict): The dictionary of parameters for the geometry

  • refine (int): Ask for iterative refinements by splitting elements

  • terminal (int): An option to print meshing infos in the prompt, value 0 (quiet) or 1 (verbose, default)


list[gf.Mesh, int, dict, dict]: The mesh to use with getfem, the dimension, a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n and a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n-1

scrimp.utils.mesh.Interval(parameters={'L': 1.0, 'h': 0.05}, refine=0, terminal=1)

The geometry of a segment (0,L) with mesh size h

  • Domain Omega: 1,

  • Left boundary Gamma_Left: 10,

  • Right boundary Gamma_Right: 11

  • parameters (dict): The dictionary of parameters for the geometry

  • refine (int): Ask for iterative refinements by splitting elements

  • terminal (int): An option to print meshing infos in the prompt, value 0 (quiet) or 1 (verbose, default)


list[gf.Mesh, int, dict, dict]: The mesh to use with getfem, the dimension, a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n and a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n-1

scrimp.utils.mesh.Rectangle(parameters={'L': 2.0, 'h': 0.1, 'l': 1}, refine=0, terminal=1)

The geometry of a Rectangle (0,L)x(0,l) with mesh size h

  • Domain Omega: 1,

  • Bottom boundary Gamma_Bottom: 10,

  • Right boundary Gamma_Right: 11,

  • Top boundary Gamma_Top: 12,

  • Left boundary Gamma_Left: 13

  • parameters (dict): The dictionary of parameters for the geometry

  • refine (int): Ask for iterative refinements by splitting elements

  • terminal (int): An option to print meshing infos in the prompt, value 0 (quiet) or 1 (verbose, default)


list[gf.Mesh, int, dict, dict]: The mesh to use with getfem, the dimension, a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n and a dict of regions with getfem indices for dim n-1


A function to get all the infos about available built_in geometries