How to install


The easiest way to install SCRIMP is to use a conda environment.

  1. Install Anaconda

  2. Clone the git repository: git clone

  3. Enter the folder: cd scrimp

  4. Create the conda environment: conda env create --file /path/to/scrimp/scrimp.yml

  5. Activate the environment: conda activate scrimp

  6. Add scrimp to the PATH: conda develop /path/to/scrimp/

  7. Finish with pip: pip install -e .


You may test your installation by running avalaible examples in the `examples` folder.

Code structure

SCRIMP is developped as a package: the file of the /path/to/scrimp/ folder is the root file. Each subdirectory is a sub-package of SCRIMP. Files are called module in this framework and may be called via the command import. For instance the module linalg gathering linear algebra functions of the subpackage utils can be imported with import scrimp.utils.linalg.


You can find this documentation here.

It is automatically built upon the code comments using sphinx.

See Sphinx for further informations.